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Sena Finanzjarja 2022
Assemblea Ä enerali 17/12/2022
L-assemblea ġenerali tħabbret pubblikament permezz tal-kont Facebook tal-partit.
Numru ta' attendenti; 27
Ingħatat kopja tal-istatut lill-udjenza, segwita mil-qari u spjegazzjoni tiegħu, l-Assemblea Ä enerali kompliet b'sessjoni ta' FAQ's imwettqa mill-president u fundatur tal-partit tagħna Mr.B.McBee. Sar stħarriÄ¡ dirett u għadu juri li r-residenti tal-Belt Valletta għadhom qed ikollhom problemi u għadhom joÄ¡Ä¡ezzjonaw għat-teħid mill-privat ta’ toroq pubbliÄ‹i, bankini, pjazez u/jew kwalunkwe spazju miftuħ. Barra minn hekk, ir-residenti tal-Belt Valletta ilhom jissieltu mat-TniÄ¡Ä¡is mill-Istorbju madwar il-lokalità u biex nikkonkludu, il-maÄ¡Ä¡oranza ma kinitx sodisfatta mill-Kunsill Lokali b’mod Ä¡enerali. It-tim eżekuttiv tal-partit iddikjara l-pożizzjoni tiegħu li jibqa’ bħala partit mingħajr skop ta’ qligħ, u għalhekk il-finanzi annwali baqgħu għal 0.00 - l-ebda negozjar, l-ebda donazzjoni, u l-ebda sponsorships qatt ma Ä¡ew aÄ‹Ä‹ettati. Elett kariga ta' viÄ‹i president li se tkun okkupata mis-Sur C Camilleri. Ittieħed vot unanimu, u l-udjenza vvotat favur li tkompli bil-neighbourhood watch
fil-lokalità tal-Belt Valletta li tqieset li hija effettiva.

Sena Finanzjarja 2023
General Assembly 15/11/2023
The general assembly was announced publicly via the party's Facebook account. 
Number of attendees; 36.

Once again a
 copy of the statute was handed out to a few new members of the audience whom were not fully aware of our party, followed by its narration and explanation, the General Assembly continued with a session of FAQ's carried out by our party's president and founder Mr.B.McBee, vice president Mr.C.Camilleri. The new position of treasurer was announced and supported via the majority of votes; therefore the new position will be carried out by Mrs.G.Camilleri. A live poll was taken and it still shows that Valletta residents are still having issues and still object to the take-over by the private sector of public streets, pavements, squares and/or any open spaces. Another poll was held, it showed significant loss of trust in both sides of the council members. Noise pollution persists across the locality and residents added that the lack of maintenance has been decreased whilst waste followed by other sanitary concerns have increased, the majority was not satisfied by the Local Council, not impressed by any District Management and have suggested us to insist for the Court Case but by adding all of their concerns and demand every Ministry/Department to take full responsibility by also investigating every permit issued as of 2013 onward. The party's executive team has once again declared its position to remain as a non-profit party, hence the annual finances remained at 0.00 - no business deals, no donations, and no sponsorship were ever accepted. The annual vote was taken, and the audience voted in favor to continue with the neighborhood watch within the locality of Valletta - votes; unanimously approved and supported.  

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